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Writing Skills

Getting the Writing Help You Need

You are not alone. CNC offers many services to help you succeed in your studies. Below are some of the academic services available to you at CNC.

Your Instructor

Your instructor has time set aside for meeting with students each week. If you are confused about any aspect of your course first reread the course syllabus. If you are still confused, contact your instructor for clarification. Your instructor’s contact information will be in the syllabus and course shell.

Academic Success Centre

CNC has tutors for English, Math, Chemistry, and Physics. Additionally, tutors can help you with study skills and proofreading. The tutors are available online via email or video conference. You are allowed to make two 30-minute appointments each week for each subject area.

The English tutors can help you with any writing concerns you may have. For example, they can help you organize your essay structure or help you check that you have not plagiarized.


WriteAway is a system where you receive feedback from qualified tutors across B.C. about ways to improve your writing assignment. You submit your assignment along with any other important information, such as the assignment question and a brief explanation of what you want the tutor to focus on. One to two days later you will receive a response.

You can also use WriteAway to ask a question about your writing. Questions that you might ask include: how to find an argument for an essay, or how an APA title page is formatted.

Students who use WriteAway generally find the system to be a low-stress way of getting help in the areas that they most need.

See for further information or to submit your writing assignment.


AskAway is a library service where you can ask questions virtually to a librarian. AskAway can help you with conducting research, citing sources, using the library, finding materials, evaluating sources, navigating databases, and any other concerns you would ask a librarian. Alternatively, you can talk to a CNC librarian. See the CNC library homepage for more information: