Missing information is not indicated in the citation.
Use letter by letter alphabetization for your citations.
Single: Last Name, First Name Initial. Additional source by the same author: use ---. in place of their name (3 hyphens & a period.)
2 authors: Last Name, First Name, and First Name Last Name.
3 or more authors: Last Name, First Name, et al.
No author: Begin your citation with Title.
Organization is both author and publisher: begin the entry with the work's title, and list the organization only as publisher.
Italics: Book titles, Plays, Anthologies, and Database names. (These are Containers.)
“Quotation marks:” Article title, webpage title, chapter, and poems etc. in an anthology.
No title? Add a short description. Eg: photograph of – chart showing – gif of cat with …
Italicize them and follow by a comma: Journal Title, Anthology title, name of streaming site or database.
Eg: Sports Medicine, Riverside anthology of literature, Netflix, or ARTstor.
Description of their role follow by a comma then First Name Last Name: narrated by – performance by
Eg: Translated by Natasha Randall, or poetry reading by Kim Catrall, etc.
Follows title and ends in a comma. Eg: 2nd edition or Canadian edition or Director’s cut.
Your source is part of a number sequence or series. Abbreviate volume to vol. and number to no.
Eg: Orange is the New Black, S02 – E04. or Journal name, vol. 10, no. 4, etc.
Omit words such as Company & their abbreviations: Co., Inc., Ltd., Corp. Omit the publisher for a web site or newspaper if it duplicates information.
Shorten University Press to UP E.g. Oxford UP etc. More than one? separate with a forward slash. E.g. National Gallery / Yale UP,
Write the full date as you find it on the source. Format: Day Month Year Eg: Jan. 2013. Ends in either a period or comma.
Date missing? Do not write "No date" or "N.d."
This varies with different source types: page numbers, a permalink, a URL, or a physical location. Exclude http:// & https://
Eg: pp. 193-200, or pp. 57+ or doi:10.1353/pmc.2000.0021. or Art Gallery of Greater Victoria.
Use p. for a single page source, pp. for multiple pages, add a Plus sign (57+) for multiple non-consecutive pages.
No page numbers? Do not try to guess or count paragraphs, leave out missing information.
Date of access, Date of original publication, City of publication, Series name, and Information on prior publication.
Your best estimate for missing information can be included in square brackets with a question mark Eg. for publication date: [2008?]
Include a description of an unusual or unexpected source type like a web comment or reblog. Eg. Slam Poetry performance: “Bic for Her.” poetry written and recited by Mary Pinkowski, or for a dissertation or Master's thesis: Diss., MA thesis, or MS thesis.
MLA does not give specific instructions on how to cite specific resources types like custom course packs. The example provided is based on SFU's recommendation to treat the course pack as an anthology when they are reprinting articles, chapters etc. The instructor would be the editor/compiler with this approach.
For reprints, MLA states "when a source was previously published in a form other than the one in which you consulted it, you might include information about the prior publication. (MLA 8th edition, p. 53)
MLA states "If the source is an unexpected type of work, you may identify the type with a descriptive term. For instance, if you studied a radio broadcast by reading its transcript, the term Transcript will indicate that you did not listen to the broadcast. (MLA Handbook, 8th edition, p. 52). In the example above including Course Pack at the end of the citation will indicate the type of work.
It is always best to check with your instructor to confirm how much information they require to consider your citations correct.
Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article." Title of Course Pack, compiled by Compiler's First Name Compiler's Last Name, Publisher, Publication Date, pp. xx-xx. Originally published in Journal Title, vol. #, no. #, publication date, pp. #-#. Course Pack.
Johnson, Victor. "A Labour of Love?: Mothers and Emotion Work." NURS 101: Supplementary Readings, compiled
by John Dough, 2023, pp. 60-67.Originally published in Journal of Midwifery, vol. 17, no. 10,
2009, pp. 636-640. Course Pack.
In Text: (Johnson 65)
Instructor's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Course: Lecture Title." Version, Publisher, Location. Class Handout.
Dough, Jane. ENGL 103: Composition & Style. 14 Nov. 2023, College of New Caledonia, Prince George.
Class Handout.
In Text: (Dough 2)
NOTE: Jane Dough is the instructor of the course.
Live events you attended in person or participated in, may be a concert, performance, lecture, speech, reading, debate or in person teaching and location-based learning, etc.
Speaker or performer Last Name, First Name. "Title of Course: Lecture Title." Version, Publisher, Location. Class lecture.
Warren, Phil. "Psychology: Awareness." 28 Oct. 2022, College of New Caledonia, Prince George. Class lecture.
In Text: (Cannon)
NOTE: Version would be the date of the lecture, as live events or lectures often repeat. The Publisher would be the name of the academic institution. This citation format was created using an example of an Address in the MLA Handbook, 8th ed., p. 52. If in doubt, check with your instructor.
Last Name, First Name of the person interviewed. Interview. By First Name Last Name of Interviewer. Date.
Reeve, Chris. Interview. By Robby Williams. 4 June 2012.
In Text: (Reeve)
NOTE : Personal interviews are not encouraged at CNC at this time. Please consult your professor before doing one, as there multiple limitations on conducting them and utilizing their data.
"Personal interviews refer to those interviews that you conduct yourself. List the interview by the name of the interviewee. Include the descriptor Personal interview and the date of the interview." (Purdue Online Writing Lab).
Presenters' Last Name, First Name. "Title of presentation." Course code: Course description OR Event name, Date, Publisher, Location. Presentation.
Pawson, Sarah. “Goals of the Course.” Psychology 201: Statistics for Social Sciences, 4 Apr. 2011,
College of New Caledonia, Prince George. Presentation.
In Text: (Pawson)
Visit the linked page below for instructions on how to cite a specific image from a presentation.