Subject searching provides a major approach in research gathering for any given topic or subject. The College of New Caledonia Learning Commons endeavours to utilize inclusive subject headings in its bibliographic records relating to Indigenous peoples. Library of Congress Subject Headings as well as Canadian Subject Headings form the basis for subject analysis of resources listed in the Classic Catalogue at CNC.
Generally, the Library of Congress subject heading of “Indians of North America” has been modified to “Indigenous peoples – [Geographic subdivision]”, e.g. Indigenous peoples – Canada; Indigenous peoples – British Columbia.
Library of Congress subject headings of “Indian …. — [Geographic subdivision]” have been replaced with “Indigenous ….”, e.g. Indigenous women -- Canada; Indigenous artists – Alberta.
Personal Name or Corporate subject headings remain unchanged in catalogue records. The reason for this is that these are the headings on the official historical publishing record as authors/organizations/publishers, and researchers may need to use such headings in their searches, e.g.:
Some subject headings may not fit the above patterns, may not be obvious, there may be spelling variations, or other terms may be referred to (See and See Also references). The following lists examples of See and See Also terminology usage in the CNC Classic Catalogue:
Athapaskan Indians, SEE Athapascan peoples
Bear Lake Indians, SEE Bearlake peoples
Bella Coola Indians, SEE Nuxalk peoples
Bellabella Indians, SEE Heiltsuk peoples
Bellacoola Indians, SEE Nuxalk peoples
Black Carib Indians, SEE Garifuna (Caribbean people)
Chimmesyan Indians, SEE Nisga’a OR Tsimshian
Chippewa Indians, SEE Ojibwa
Civilization – Indigenous influence,s SEE ALSO EXAMPLE UNDER GEOG. SUBDIV., eg.
Huron Indians,, SEE Wyandot
Ihalmiut, SEE Ahiarmiut
Indian cosmology, SEE Cosmology – North America
Indian philosophy, SEE Indigenous peoples – Philosophy OR Ethnophilosophy
Indian reservations, SEE First Nations reserves
Indians – Fur trade – History SEE
Indians of North America – Tribal government, SEE Indigenous peoples – Politics and government
Ingalik Indians, SEE Deg Hit’an
Kaingangue Indians, SEE Kaingang peoples
Kascapee Indians, SEE Naskapi
Kitksan Indians, SEE Gitxsan
Kitsan Indians, SEE Gitxsan
Kutchin Indians, SEE Gwich’in peoples
Menominee Indians, SEE ALSO Algonquian peoples
Natsitkutchin Indians, SEE Neets’aii Gwich’in
Off-reserve Indians, SEE Off-reserve Indigenous peoples
Ojibway Indians, SEE Ojibwa
Okinagan Indians, SEE Okanagan peoples
Pacaa Nova Indians, SEE Pacaasnovos peoples
Paleo-Indigenous peoples, SEE ALSO Prehistoric peoples
Salish Indians OR Salishan Indians, SEE Salish OR Salishan peoples
Secwepemc Indians, SEE Shuswap peoples
Slave Indians, SEE Slavey peoples
Stalo Indians, SEE Stó꞉lō
Takulli Indians, SEE Carrier peoples
Takulli language, SEE Carrier language
Tanai Indians, SEE Dena’ina peoples
Teton Indians, SEE Lakota
Thlingchadinne Indians, SEE Dogrib
Thlingchadinne mythology, SEE Dogrib mythology
Tsilkotin Indians, SEE Chilcotin peoples
Urubu Kapoor Indians, SEE Urubu Kaapor peoples
Yanoama Indians, SEE Yanomamo peoples
Yuma Indians, SEE ALSO Yuman peoples