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APA Citation Style (7th edition)

An Introduction to using APA Citation Style (7th Edition)

Commonly used health resources

Anatomy.TV (10.12, #98, APA Publication Manual, 7th ed., p.346)

  • Use this format to cite (but not reproduce) most clip art or stock. To reproduce clip art or stock images, permission and/or a copyright attribution may be necessary in addition to the reference (see section 12.15).


Producer. (date). Title of image [Format]. Source. URL

Reference Example

Primal Pictures. (2017). 3D Atlas: Spine: Lumbar spine: Lumbar region (layer 7, frame 16) [Image]. _____Anatomy.TV.

In-text Example

(Primal Pictures, 2017)


Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (Whole Textbook) (10.2, #20-22 APA Publication Manual and as advised by C. Lee APA Style blog editor June 10, 2020)

  • This textbook is an example of an authored book in print with edited chapters.


Author, A. A. (date). Title of book (Edition, Editors). Publisher.

Reference Example

Astle, B.J., Duggleby, W., Potter, P.A., Perry, A.G., Stockert, P.A., & Hall, A.M. (Eds.). (2019). Canadian _____fundamentals of nursing (6th ed.)., Elsevier Canada

In-text Example

(Astle et al., 2019)


Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing (Chapter for a reading list) (10.2, #20-22 APA Publication Manual and as advised by C. Lee APA Style blog editor June 10, 2020)

  • Normally a chapter in an authored book would not have a separate reference and would just have an in-text citation as (Potter et al., 2019, Chapter 13). However, since it can also be considered an edited book, and therefore in a list rather than a published article, it can be pulled out and a separate reference created.


Author of Chapter. (date of book). Chapter title. In Authors of book, Title of book (Edition, Editor (Ed.). pp). Publisher.

Reference Example

Kramer, M. A., & Ryan, K. J. (2019). Nursing informatics and Canadian nursing practice. In B. J. Astle, W.

          Duggleby, P.A. Potter, A.G. Perry, P.A Stockert & A.M Hall (Eds.), Canadian fundamentals of  

           nursing (6th Cdn. ed., pp. 254-270). Elsevier Canada

In-text Example

(Kramer & Ryan, 2019)


CINAHL Evidence-based care sheets  (10.1, #13-14, pp. 319,  also 9.30, pp 296-297, APA Publication Manual, 7th ed.).

  • Provide the name of the database or archive when it publishes original proprietary works available only in the database. Do not italicize the database name if it appears in text (9.30, 10.1 #13, APA Publication Manual 7th ed.)
  • Important! APA requires the DOI as a hyperlink when available but CINAHL Evidence Based Sheets do not have a DOI. For sources without a DOI that come from common library databases do not include a URL or any database information (9.30 APA Publication Manual 7th ed.)
  • In some cases instructors may ask for the library database persistent link instead of the DOI in which case add the persistent link URL in place of the DOI Camosun database persistent links begin with the prefix Please check with your instructor to see what they prefer.
  • Include a retrieval date because the contents of the page are designed to change over time (see 9.16, 9.30, APA Publication Manual 7th ed.).


Author, A.A., & Author, B.B. (date). Title of document. Database name. Retrieved Month day, year from URL

Reference Example

Strayer, D., Heering, H. (2018). Melanoma: Risk factors and prevention. CINAHL Complete.

          Retrieved January 20, 2020 from login?url=https:

          // aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AM=T701711&site=ehost-live

In-text Example

(Strayer & Heering, 2018)


Code of Ethics

  • Code of Ethics as web document (10.4, #55, p.330 APA Publication Manual, 7th ed.)


Author. (date). Title of code of ethics (edition). URL

Reference Example

Canadian Nurses Association. (2017). Code of ethics for registered nurses (2017 ed)

In-text Example

(Canadian Nurses Association [CNA], 2017)

Subsequent citations:

(CNA, 2017)

  • Code of ethics as a print book chapter or appendix (sec. 10.3, #39, p.326, APA Publication Manual, 7th ed.)


Author. (date). Title of code of ethics (edition.). In A.A. Author, Title of book (edition) (pp. xx-xx). Publisher Name.

Reference Example

Canadian Nurses Association. (2008). Appendix A: 2008 CNA code of ethics for registered

          nurses. In K. Oberle & S.H. Bouchal, Ethics in Canadian nursing practice: Navigating the

          journey (pp.309-369). Pearson.

Canadian Dental Hygienists Association. (2013). Appendix II: Code of ethics. In E.M.Wilkins &

          C.J. Wyche, Clinical practice of dental hygienist (11th ed., pp. 234-237). Wolters Kluwer

          Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

In-text Example

(Canadian Nurses Association [CNA], 2008)


(Canadian Dental Hygienists Association [CDHA], 2013)


Dictionary definition no author from electronic dictionary in a database (10.3 APA Publication Manual 7th ed.)

  • If the author element is missing leave it out and use Title. (Date). Source as order of elements. Title in this case is the dictionary entry (Table 9.1, p.284, APA Publication Manual 7th ed.)
  • For sources from a library database without a DOI do not include the URL (9.34, p.298 APA Publication Manual 7th ed.)


Title of definition. (date). In A. A. Editor (Ed.), Title of reference work (Edition). Publisher.

Reference Example

Euphoria. (2018). In H. Marcovitch (Ed.), Black's medical dictionary (43rd ed.). A&C Black.

In-text Example

("Euphoria," 2018)


DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders entire book (print or online)  (10.2, #32 APA Publication Manual, 7th ed.)

  • The online version of the DSM has a DOI. Place DOI after the publisher position.
  • When the author and the publisher are the same you do not need to include the publisher.
  • Abbreviate the group author name in subsequent in-text citations (8.21, APA Publication Manual, p.268)


Print example:

Author. (date). Chapter title. In Title of book (Edition)

Online Example:

Author. (date). Chapter title. In Title of book (Edition). DOI

Reference Example

Print example:

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Bipolar and related disorders. In Diagnostic and

          statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).

Online example:

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Bipolar and related disorders. In Diagnostic and

          statistical manual  of mental disorders (5th ed.).


In-text Example

(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)

If you are citing a group author more than once indicate the acronym in the first in-text citation and use the acronym in subsequent citations.

(American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013)

(APA, 2013)


DSM: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders entry or chapter (print or online)  (10.2, #32 APA Publication Manual, 7th ed.). Also see APA 7th ed. Style Blog:

  • In the online version of the DSM, individual chapters and entries have been assigned DOIs. Place DOI in the last position.
  • When the author and the publisher are the same you do not need to include the publisher.
  • Abbreviate the group author name in subsequent in-text citations (8.21, APA Publication Manual, p.268)

Print example:

Author. (date). Chapter title. In Title of book (Edition).

Online example:

Author. (date). Chapter title. In Title of book (Edition). DOI

Reference Example

Print example:

American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Cultural and psychiatric diagnosis. In Diagnostic and statistical

          manual of mental disorders (5th ed. Text Revision).

Online example:

American Psychiatric Association. (2022). Culture and psychiatric diagnosis. In Diagnostic and statistical

          manual of mental disorders (5th ed. Text Revision). https://doi-org/10.1176


In-text Example

(American Psychiatric Association, 2013)

If you are citing a group author more than once indicate the acronym in the first in-text citation and use the acronym in subsequent citations.

(American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013)

(APA, 2013)


Web document authored by an association or government (10.4, #50, #53-55, APA Publication Manual, 7th ed., p.329)

  • If the cover or title page lists only the name of the group (and no names of individuals), treat the reference as having a group author (See section 10.4,  examples 53-55, APA Publication Manual, 7th ed.).
  • When the publisher is the same as the author omit the publisher from the source element.
  • Include publication number for government or association reports where available.


Name of Group. (date). Title of report (Report number). Publisher Name. URL

Reference Example

Public Health Canada (2020). Reduce the spread of Covid-19: Wash your hands. Government

          of Canada.

          /diseases- conditions/coronovirus/covid-19-handwashing/covid-19-handwashing

Group Author same as publisher, therefore no publisher

Canada Council for the Arts. (2013). What we heard: Summary of key findings: 2013 Canada

          Council's  Inter-Arts Office consultation.


In-text Example

(Public Health Canada, 2020)

(Canada Council for the Arts, 2013)


Web document authored by an individual published by association or government  (10.4, #51 & 52, APA Publication Manual, 7th ed., p.330)

  • If the cover or title page lists the names of individuals,  treat the reference as having individual authors, and include the name of the group as part of the source element (See section 10.4,  examples 51-52, APA Publication Manual, 7th ed.)
  • Include publication number for government or association reports where available.


Author, A. A. (date). Title of report (Report number). Publisher Name. URL

Reference Example

Tiedemann, M. (2019, December 17). The Canadian Health Act: An overview (2019-54-E).

          Library of  Parliament.



Segart, A., & Bauer, A. (2015). The extent and nature of veteran homelessness in Canada.

          Employment and Social Development Canada.

            social-development /programs/communities/homelessness/publications-bulletins


In-text Example

(Tiedemann, 2019)

(Segaert & Bauer, 2015)
