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Essential Study Skills

Ace that Test!

Are you a good note-taker? Then you are good at studying for a test. This is because you study for a test the same way you take notes. Follow the process below to ensure you understand and remember the material you need for your next exam.

Concept Learning

Step 1: Summarize

Good note-takers summarize their understanding. Instead of writing down every word they hear.

So, you need to understand it first, before you summarize.

The more you summarize the more you will absorb the idea. Avoid writing down every word or grabbing exact phrases.

Step 2: Engage

Well, now, that you have a summary of your understanding.  You’re ready for step 2.

Here you engage with the idea you’re studying. Maybe by asking the instructor a question or talking to your classmate. But more likely, by quietly thinking through the concept in your head. You are playing with the idea asking yourself if you’ve seen this idea before, and how it relates to what you already know. Have you seen this happen in real life, etc.? The more real this play is the better you will retain it.

Step one is understanding. Step two is all about playing with the concept.


Sometimes your learning is less about concepts and more about rote memory.

For example, a lot of rote memory is required when learning terminology.

Before you can remember anything, first, you must know what the term means and how it fits within its category.

Step 1: Mnemonic Clues

 A mnemonic cue is an association or a story. This works because the human brain is wired to remember stories. You can leverage this by adding a story to the item you are trying to remember.

Think of Mnemonic cues as a brain hack.

Step 2: Spaced Learning

The best way to remember is to allow yourself to forget, yes forget, but just a little bit, so you have to work to recall the memory.

This is where Spaced Learning becomes useful. The idea behind spaced learning is that the items that you know very well, you can leave for a while before you have to repeat them. But the items that you haven’t fully memorized you repeat these more often.

The flashcard system works great for this. Alternatively, you can download the app ‘Quizlet’ and it will do much of the same thing.