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Essential Study Skills

Make Group Work, Work!

These are the tools you’ll need to make your next group work assignment something all of your team will be proud of. See below for a short video presentation of this handout.

Why are We Made to Do Group Work?

Groups promote social learning and teamwork. Employers are looking for these skills. So, love it, or hate it, group work not going anywhere soon. So you may as well get good at it!

Get Real!

Most students despise group work and for a good reason! Students find others can be lazy, controlling, and unwilling to listen, attend meetings, or meet deadlines. And you’ve got your grade to worry about!

The solution is to embrace the complex messiness of group work and it will get better. I promise!

Key Skill 1: Interpersonal Skills - Attend to the Climate of the Group

Interpersonal skills ensure everyone in the group remains respected and heard. These include: getting to know each other before you start working together and taking the time at the beginning of each meeting to chat about each other's lives, stressors, and feelings.

Simply asking about another student's day can go a long way!

Catch things early before they become larger problems. For example, if somebody is not responding to emails, you need to ask why and listen, then make a plan to move forward.

Key Skill 2: Managerial Skills - Agree on Your Team Management Plan

Once you have a strong group connection, make sure that each task is managed and the project comes together as a whole. Each team member should feel ownership of the project and be proud of it.

  • Choose a Team Leader:

A team leader ensures meetings are organized, stay on track, and remain friendly and respectful.

  • Decide What Jobs are Needed and Divide Up the Work Tasks:

How will each member be held accountable for meeting deadlines and producing their best work?

Plan how and when your group will communicate: social media platforms, email, phone calls, in-person meetings, etc.


The truth is, working in a group that you want to be part of is not only far more productive than working alone, but it is also fun! Go ahead and crush your next group work assignment!